It's been a while. A long while. In fact, it's been nearly seven whole months since I blogged and I feel like I owe you all an apology and an explanation. So, here goes...
I'm sorry.
The last seven months have gone a little like this:
Meningitis (not good)
Brain scan (really not good)
Referral to neurosurgeon (first referral 'lost' then second one went to a neurosurgeon with a special interest - hooray!)
Offered major brain surgery by the neurosurgeon (just a typical day, like you do)
Had major brain surgery (seriously not good)
Vaguely woke up in intensive care (the most not good experience I've ever endured)
Discovered that not only did I desperately need the brain surgery, I'm very 'lucky' to be alive (good, really good, although I'm fairly certain that it was prayer rather than 'luck')
Showered with cards, gifts and LOTS of flowers (also really good)
Ongoing, mainly horizontal recovery and too much pain (occasionally good but mainly painful).
Now that you are all caught up, I can finally resume blogging without feeling like I need to address the elephant in the room.
And on that note, if you're ever bored and happen to know The Curate in real life, then you should ask him to do his elephant noise for a room full of toddlers (it's good, trust me, both the noise and the reaction from the small people).
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