Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Beige and boring or a risky business?

I have a friend who wasn't sure that she could become a Christian until she met me (ha! God has a sense of humour!).  She wasn't sure that she wanted to become a Christian if it meant that she had to become a bit, well... beige and boring.  Then she met me and my purple boots and decided that if I could be a Christian then so could she.  Alas! The purple boots are no more (although I do still preach in knee high boots).  The thing is, being a Christian is not about being beige and boring.  It's not about being comfortable.  It does involve being daring and taking risks.

This video by Simon Guillebaud explains what it means to follow Jesus better than anything else I've ever come across except, perhaps, the Bible (which Simon draws on throughout the video):

3 Seconds

What is life all about? Is it about safely navigating our way to death?

I don't know about you but that doesn't figure high on my list of life goals.

(By the way, I did achieve one of my life goals on Sunday.  I preached from a pulpit.  I do realise that I now seem far less rock 'n' roll but I don't care.  The only thing that normally gets in the pulpit at our church is the birthday cakes for our All Age services.  I hope that my sermon was worth more than 12 cupcakes...)

In the book "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" there is a discussion about whether Aslan is safe.

I don't know about you, but I find the idea of God not being safe and following Him being a risky business to be a bit too technicolour for comfort.  All of a sudden the idea of being a beige and boring Christian is that bit more appealing.  But God doesn't ask Christians to hide away or to blend in.  He asks us to trust that He is good and to follow Him.  That's when the adventure begins.  That's the point when eternal life begins.  As Simon Guillebaud says, "we're all immortal until He calls us home".

PS if you want to support the awesome work of Simon Guillebaud and Great Lakes Outreach in Burundi then please go here or you can read more about Simon here.

PPS I don't intend to write a blog post for a few days as I need to finish writing an essay and I need a bit of space to process my Lenten journey rather than keep on thinking about what to write!

PPPS I'm still trying to meditate.  I'll update you on how that is going soon.

PPPPS The baby ate some rocky road.  I'm not sure that I need to say any more...

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